We just LOVE surprises!
We have been getting way too much sleep lately
Our oldest turned 18 and went away to college
We wanted a little bit more chaos and A LOT more love in our home
We had given away all of our baby paraphernalia and baby gear is just SO much better these days
When you have 3 what’s one more???
I really wanted my own little newborn portrait model
We miss the pitter patter of little feet
More hugs and kisses!!!
It’s been 9 years since I’ve been pregnant and I forgot what it feels like
We miss the teeny tiny baby toes
and we can’t wait to meet our little unexpected blessing!
So it’s no wonder I’ve been taking lots of naps, flaking big time on my blog duties, craving strange foods at all hours of the day and night, and just not quite myself lately!
Introducing baby #4 at 20 weeks, due 10/10/10