This is sweet little Regina. She was diagnosed with PNET( Malignant brain tumor)in 2004. She had surgery, radiation and chemo, but the cancer returned in June of this year. I was fortunate to be asked to come and photograph a wonderful party her friends and family through for her before she started chemotherapy again. I feel so lucky and honored to have met this sweet little girl. You can read about her on her mom’s blog here. At the party they passed out pink ribbons to tie on our cars to remember Regina. I tied mine on my camera and it’s still there. I think about her at every day, every time I pick up my camera – which is a lot!
I belong to a wonderful foundation called ACPCG which is a network of photographers who photograph families with terminally ill children at no charge. It is an amazing way for me to give something back and I have been blessed to meet some amazing and strong families through the foundation. Check out their website and please if you know anyone in need of these services, let them know about it.
Please remember Regina and keep her in your prayers.