Yeah, so I’ve been on a bit of a blogging hiatus lately. They are terrible really, my blogging skills. But I have given myself a new challenge, two challenges actually. One is to blog every day for the next 30 days. Shocking I know, but I figured it’s a good way to get me jump started. I have so many sessions that I never blogged that I am so excited to share, so that will pretty much cover the next 30 days.
The second challenge is what I call Project 52. Last year I completed Project 365 which was to take one picture a day for the entire year. It was hard, very hard. And I did miss a few days here and there, but overall I was very proud of my accomplishment! Mind you these were not fabulous quality photos. Often they were just snapshots taken with my point and shoot and dare I say, the flash! This year, I’m not quite as ambitious. My project this year is to take one picture a week and share it on my blog, hence Project 52. These will be mostly personal pics of my family, etc. I also plan to take some artistic images and share those too. I’ll often highlight composition details and share photo tips and tricks that I use to make my images better. Come along with me and maybe I can teach you some photo tips along the way!
Anyway, enough talk…here’s the first one. I’ll post 3 over the next few days to get myself caught up from January 1st.
My son, using his very favorite gift from Santa!