I know, I know…long time no post. I’ve been super busy getting everything ready for the new year. There’s lots of exciting things going on at the studio, we are getting ready to unveil a brand new look and color scheme for all of our marketing materials, a new updated blog interface and a move is in the near future! More details to come, but we are moving out of our home studio and into a new studio soon. We are in the middle of building it out, so once it’s done I’ll post some pics. We’ll also be having a grand opening party, I’m thinking a mom’s night out type of thing. It’s still in the early planning stages so post a comment or send us an email if you’d like an invite!

Scheduling – We are currently booked into April. So if you are planning a portrait session, make sure you book early. Remember, our schedule is usually booked 4-6 weeks in advance. We’d love to squeeze you in, but sometimes it’s difficult, so please, please, please plan ahead!!! We just hate for you to be disappointed.

Here’s a cute big brown eyed baby that I just fell in LOVE with. Isn’t she a dream? Those eyes just melt me like chocolate. Oooooohhh – that sounds good!




Til next time…Jen