Done For You

let us do all the work for you

photo organization

Yes it's possible! 
We can organize your photos for you!

You can hire us to do the organizing for you

Dreaming of having your photos all organized and easy to find?
Have no desire (or time!) to do it yourself?
Wish you could hire an expert to do it all for you?

In today's digital age, the demand for photo organizing services has never been higher. With the number of smartphones and digital cameras, people are capturing more moments than ever before. But most of these photos end up scattered across various devices, hard drives, and cloud services, creating a digital clutter nightmare and photo overwhelm.

We are a team of technical experts ready to help you through all the technical issues required to reclaim control of your photos, preserving precious memories for generations to come.

Having us do it for you eliminates the stress of trying to figure it out yourself. Instead you can leave it all to us to get it done for you.

With your photos organized you can finally get your photos off of your screen and into your life, share them, enjoy them, print them for your walls and create family photo books.

Why do I need it?

This is awesome!
How does it work?

We work virtually to find all of your photos that are spread out everywhere across multiple devices and cloud locations and organize them so that they are safely backed up, you can find them quickly, print them and enjoy them vs. collecting dust on your phone and old computers.


THANK YOU!!! For helping me get my photos organized! You made this process so easy. You listened to all of my concerns and worked with me to provide a personal experience that was incredibly professional and just what I needed. The only thing I wish is that I would have found you sooner!

"I wish I would have found you sooner!"

Alison S.

syracuse, New york

Jenny and her team are amazing! They walked me through step by step how to get my photos off of an old mac that hadn’t been turned on in years. I thought the photos on it were a hopeless cause, but Jenny walked me through how to get the computer up and working and then how to get all my photos out of it. I’m so happy to have them organized and backed up. I’m recommending this this to everyone I know!

"I'm recommending this to everyone I know!"

Teresa M

Seattle, wa

I had Jenny organize my photos for me and I am so happy I did! I was nervous that it would be a lot of work for me because I had photos everywhere, but she met with me once by zoom and took it from there and got the whole thing done in about a month. Now I have all of my photos organized and I am working on my family year books, which is a goal I have had for many years. 

"I'm so happy I did this!"

Nicole B.

an organized photo library is the first step to enjoying your photos again.

How The Process Works

no more photo chaos & stress

With all of your photos organized, 
you’ll experience the joy of enjoying your photos again.

Relive your precious memories

Peace of mind knowing you will never lose your photos

easily create family photo books

print photos for your home

your photo project completely done and checked off your to do list

Up to 2 sources
(1 phone + one computer
or cloud location)
< 50K photos

1 source = phone, computer hard drive, cloud service (Dropbox, Google Photos, Shutterfly), external hard drive, or (5) SD cards, (5) thumb drives, (5) CDs
* If your photo collection exceeds 200K photos we will provide you with a custom quote


Up to 4 sources
(eg. -  1 phone, 1 computer, 1 external hard drive, 1 cloud location)
< 100K photos


5 or more sources
(eg. - 1 phone, 1 computer, external hard drive, multiple cloud locations,  CDs, SD cards)
< $200K photos


the investment




Get started

You might be wondering...

How much time do I need to commit?

Your time investment is minimal. We will meet with you over two zoom calls - one at the beginning, and one wrap-up call at the end of the project. In between we may need to reach out to you via text message if we have any questions for you regarding your photos. In the first phase of the project, you will need to spend a bit of time finding all of the locations of your photos for us. But that is really it! We are excited to take this project out of your hands and provide this customized service for you!

What happens after I purchase?

You will be sent a link to a private portal where you can book your first zoom call. You will also receive a questionnaire about the status of your photo collection that should be filled out before your zoom call.

I still have a question! Can I DM you?

Of course! Feel free to DM me on instagram @jennymasonphotography with any questions. Happy to answer any time!

I have printed photos, VHS and DVDs that I would like included. Is that possible?

Yes of course! We do offer scanning and conversion services at an additional cost. During your initial zoom call we go over all of your sources and provide a quote on these services for you.

Is this process safe?

Yes! Our team prides itself on our 20 years of experience working confidentially with our clients and their photos. Keeping your private information secure is a priority and we take all precautions to ensure all of your photos remain private and safe. We will meet with you to discuss various options for logging in to your cloud photo accounts and accessing your photos, and will customize the process to meet your needs. 

Every client is different, but typically about 4 weeks. Timing usually varies depending on the number of images you have, sources, internet speed and your availability.

How long does it take?

Book a Photo Organization
Consultation Call

STILL Have questions or need more info?

During your consultation call we will go over the scope of your photo collection, provide an estimate for your project, and answer all of your questions about our Custom Done For You Organization and Digitizing services to see if we are a good fit for you.

Book a call now

So, what do you say??

Are you ready to say goodbye to your photo chaos?

book today

Your photos are precious.
It's time to enjoy them again.

Let's be friends!